Friday, September 19, 2008

a lil bit 'bout me

i am...

23. student. chocoholic. irish. tall. cancer. chanel.

i want... to travel. i have... wanderlust. i wish... i could live in nyc! i hate... hate. i fear...spiders. i search... for the meaning to life! lol i wonder... how so many people on the road got licensed. i regret... not much. lifes too short... i love... my friends and family. i ache... in my head. i always... brush my teeth before bed :) i usually... never answer my phone... sorry :/ i never hear it! i am not... afraid to say how i feel most of the time. i dance... in the rain, on the bar, in the car, at the club, in my room... hehe i sing... in my car. i never... say never. i rarely.... keep the same nail polish more than 2 days haha. i cry... when im sad and when im happy. i am not always... the most optimistic person but i try to be. i lose... my earrings all the time, and half the time they end up in my shirt (it's all the dancing i swear lol!) i'm confused... about what to do with my life once i graduate! i need... to be loved :} i should... go to bed... i'm thinking... that sounds like a great idea

on a side note... this was my horoscope for today. i thought it was interesting how pertinent it is to my current state of mind... very interesting

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22)

You may feel as if you need to figure out where you are going as your long-term goals seem to grow in significance. It can be enjoyable to talk about the possibilities that lie ahead, even if you don't actually follow up on your ideas. Don't worry about meeting anyone else's expectations; just allow yourself the luxury of exploring your fantasies.

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