Wednesday, September 17, 2008


my mind reels when i lay in bed.  i'm pretty sure that's why i can't sleep.  i literally can't turn my thoughts off long enough for my eyes to close!  i leave the t.v. on sometimes or my ipod just so the noise will drown out my thoughts but lately that hasn't even been working.  it's no use, my head is all over the place.  here's an example of my thought process, try to keep up:

[watching T.V.]

"what movie is this... reminds me of forrest gump... what's that one song i like from that movie? how's it go... "stop children what's that sound"... ya thats it!... who sings that? gonna download that now before i forget... oh and that other song i heard today...NOT paperplanes, ugh! i swear if i hear that one more time i'll--i'll write another blog about it (lol)... that reminds me, i haven't blogged in a few days... hey i wonder who's on spyspace right now... new comments, yes!....i really should put up a new profile pic... oh ya, sacscene was at the bar the other night, wonder if the pics are up yet, and i wonder why that guy never called me, err, wait did i give him my #, or did he give me his??? oh well...what is today? the 16th? ya the pics should be up by now... holy shnikes! its only the 16th... that means i don't get paid for another 9 DAYS... oi vey... shit did i pay my visa bill.... uugghhhh" 

[looks at the clock, holy crap balls... its 6:59am... work at 8:30] 

looks like another sleepless night pour moi.... eesh.  i think i'm subconsciously preoccupying myself with these arbitrary thoughts to avoid the real big things i should be asking myself... but i don't want to talk about it... so i'll continue the madness, and sleeplessness.

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