Friday, March 20, 2009

dirty little secrets

okay.... I realize that I rant on this thing probably far too much but oh well. Click "next blog" if you just can't So my latest pet peeve is liars. Well, actually, I've never liked people who lie... I mean beyond the little white lies here or there (come on, we're ALL human). But more specifically, I resent people that get others wrapped up in there web of lies!!

So here's the back story--a friend of mine has been dating this guy now for a little over a year and a half. He's a pretty nice guy from what I gather. But here's the kicker... he hasnt said the "L" word yet!! 18 months buddy... shit or get off the pot!!! I mean, jesus, really?? I may be a commitment-phob but.... 18 months??? Whatev... Despite this bizarre um, shall we say "character flaw" I still don't think the guy deserves to be lied to. And I especially don't see why I should be sucked into the vortex that is my friends lousey relationship built on lies!! He didn't do anything to me, so why am I being forced to lie for my friend to her boyfriend of two years??

Anyway, so here's how I was hooked into this scenario, I called my friend today to see what she was up to (Friday night must make plans :)) She tells me that she picked up a shift and would be off by nine-ish. Cool. Then she says that her boyfriend thought it would be cool if he and I stopped into her work to get something to eat and wait for her to get off so we could make plans for the night. K, getting weird... Then she tells me that she has been hanging out with this other guy, and she has been cheating on her boyfriend with him, and when she is with her new boytoy she has been telling her boyfriend that she has had plans with me!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE... Don't get me wrong, I am by all means a loyal friend. I would ever throw any of my friends under the bus. But, why on earth did she have to drag me into her stories?? It doesn't sit well that one of my close friends is jeopardizing her moral integrity by lying AND cheating, but did she have to sacrifice mine at the same time? She couldn't just say she was staying late at class or something? Get creative geez!

In my opinion, I think that life is waaayyy too short to be unhappy so if you're in a situation that makes you unhappy, GET OUT! Isn't it much easier to just tell the person how you feel then try and keep up with the lies and have to deal with the stress that comes with it? I just don't believe in cheating in relationships. It's funny because your lying to yourself as well if you think you're sparing the other person's feelings by lying to them. You're just delaying the inevitable.

And what irks me the most is that she ended up flaking on me because she got nervous that she might slip (or maybe, that I might slip) and let the cat out of the bag. So now she has inadvertently alienated a friend as well as her boyfriend. She's lucky I'm a good friend... or maybe just a stupid one for putting up with this crap... Well, at least I won't have to worry about being flaked on because I have a good excuse to avoid my friend and the situation. Good thing I'm honest and I simply told her that I'm not going to lie for her. No weight on my shoulders...

LESSON: If you're aiming to lose your friends and your boyfriend, make them lie to him about your dirty little secrets.

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