some sentiments i try to live by are:
don't sweat the small stuff, look at the big picture, and at this point to risk sounding like a broken record,
everything happens for a reason.i don't try to preach or anything, but i really think that these are universal concepts because they pretty much apply to every situation imaginable. People, i think, tend to get caught up in the moment and tend to put too much energy into fretting over the little incidences that won't even matter 1 week, 1 day or even one hour from now. I think that we all tend to get caught up in ourselves and neglect to realize that there is a BIGGER PICTURE.
Before I went alumni from my sorority, I held the executive position which we called Pink Rose. It was, among other things, basically the chair of conflict management. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I learned a lot about the nature of people that semester. My motto became "Don't sweat the small stuff", and really, what isn't small? Everyone has their own problems, and all of us at times fail to see that others have problems just like ours. It's called empathy.
Think about it like this, we all have bad days, right? Well, next time you're having a bad day, rather than taking it out on someone and ruining their day as well, put things in perspective. I try and tell myself, when i start to feel overwhelmed or when my day takes a turn for the worse, that things can
always be worse. It helps to give me perspective. I don't know if my theory works for everyone, but 99% of the time it works for me.
For example, I broke my phone recently, and i kept on complaining about it. But then i thought, well at least I have a phone. Better yet, at least I have people that care enough to call me so that I need a phone. It sounds silly, but honestly, if more people thought like this, i think there'd be a lot less drama and stress in all of our lives. Plus, it will give you a greater appreciation for things (not just material, I mean
everything), and greater sympathy for those less fortunate.
I don't know really why I'm writing about this but next time I'm having a bad day it'll be good to look back at this I'm sure. Clearly, this attitude would have been advantageous prior to my last blog! lol...
Peace & sHibBy!